We always aim to provide great service, but understand that occasionally we might not get it right. When this happens, we want to know about it so that we can put it right.

Our complaints process is a very simple two stage process.  Take a look at our Complaint Leaflet which tells you all about it. Our Complaints Policy 2024 also provides lots of information on how we deal with complaints and use your feedback to improve our services.

You can  make a complaint or tell us that you are dissatisfied by:

Telephone us on 01782 968566

Write to us at The Trevor Jones Office, Hammond House, Hanley, ST1 3AX

Visit our Trevor Jones Office or we can visit your home or speak to a member of staff as they walk about our schemes

WhatsApp us on 07876897172 or send us a Facebook message

Completing the General contact form below

General Contact Form

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Please remember that the more information you are able to give us, the easier it will be to investigate your complaint.


Learning from Complaints

The lessons we learn from complaints are key to improving our services and so as part of our complaint monitoring, we always review how we can improve our services to tenants. Take a look at our latest  Annual Complaints Performance & Service Improvement Report which has also been reviewed by our Board Members and includes a response from them.


The Housing Ombudsman

The Housing Ombudsman Service was set up to resolve disputes involving the tenants and leaseholders of social landlords. The service is free, independent, and impartial. You can approach the Housing Ombudsman at any time for independent advice on your complaint however once your complaint has exhausted our internal procedure (stage 2), if you are still unhappy you can ask the Housing Ombudsman to review the complaint.

You can contact the Housing Ombudsman Service by completing one of their online forms

You can also contact them by:

 Writing to: Housing Ombudsman Service, PO Box 1484, Unit D, Preston, PR2 0ET

 Email: info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk

 Tel: 0300 111 3000

In April 2024 the Housing Ombudsman published a statutory Complaint Handling Code which sets out requirements for landlords to respond to complaints effectively and fairly, and to create a positive complaint handling culture within their organisation through continuous learning and improvements . There is now a legal duty on the Ombudsman to monitor compliance with the code and this means that landlords must submit an annual self-assessment  to the Ombudsman.   Here is Stoke on Trent Housing Society’s Self Assessment APRIL 2024 which has been reviewed by our Board  and demonstrates that we comply with the code. 


Circumstances not covered by a complaint

The Society has no blanket approach to excluding complaints and will always consider the individual circumstances of each complaint. Our specific exclusion reasons are:

The issue giving rise to the complaint occurred over 12 months ago.

Legal proceedings have started over the matter

Matters that have previously been considered under the complaints policy

Where Stoke on Trent Housing Society decides not to accept a complaint, an explanation will always be provided setting out the reasons why the complaint is not suitable for the complaints process and the right to take that decision to the Ombudsman.


Please contact us if you would like any further information in relation to making a complaint or in respect of our complaints performance