Our Contractors

We use several external contractors to carry out our repairs and maintenance service.

Here’s the standard you can expect from them:

They will: 

  • Be clean and tidy and cover their shoes/boots when entering your home
  • Give their name and show you ID when they meet you
  • Leave a card if you’re not in
  • Explain what they’re going to do, when it will be started and how long it is expected to take
  • Ask your permission to use of any of your personal belongings, e.g. your toilet, electricity, the bathroom or kitchen to clean up in.
  • Use dust sheets where the work is likely to cause a mess and clear up any mess
  • Give you the utmost respect and confidentiality
  • Ask you to lock away pets before they come in
  • Let us know if you refuse to let them in to complete the work

They won’t: 

  • Be in your home unless another responsible adult is there.
  • Move any of your belongings without asking you first
  • Make lots of visits to deliver materials
  • Smoke in your home, play music or use bad language
  • Accept gifts or payments from you
  • Accept or keep a key to your home