Fire safety is very important to Stoke on Trent Housing Society and we would like to reassure our residents that all of our properties meet strict fire safety regulations.

We have a fire safety policy to ensure compliance with legislation and we work with the Fire Service to ensure that our buildings are safe. Our high rise buildings are also registered with the Building Safety Regulator and we have a Building Safety Manager, Hadrian Noble who is responsible for managing the safety of your homes.

How we Manage Fire Safety

We carry out annual Fire Risk Assessments (FRA’s) and where any necessary fire safety work is highlighted we will always deal with this as a priority. 

We regularly inspect our apartment schemes, making sure that escape routes are kept clear, that fire doors are  working properly and that there are no fire hazards lying around

We provide smoke alarms in all of your homes

We work closely with the Fire Service and their Community Advice Team.

If you would like a copy of the current FRA for the building in which you live, let us know. 

Fire Doors

All of our Fire Doors, so those in communal areas and those to the entrance of apartments, are designed to resist fire for up to 60 minutes and are fitted with intumescent strips and ironmongery. When subjected to heat, the intumescent strips expand and seal the gap between the door edge and the frame. This stops any smoke entering your home. The door closers also ensure that your fire door closes behind you when you leave or enter your home.

As your landlord we are legally obliged to inspect your fire door every year, so when we call to do this, please let us in. At any time though, if you find any faults or problems with your fire door, or how it closes, you must let us know!

Escape routes

We want to make sure that the fire brigade can reach you easily if there’s a fire – and that you can get out quickly and easily in an emergency. That’s why it’s important that communal areas like corridors, walkways and fire doors are kept clear of obstructions like rubbish, prams, bikes, furniture or clothes. Even doormats must not be placed outside front doors as they are a trip hazard too.

If you find rubbish or anything blocking communal areas or fire escapes contact us on 01782 968566.

Here are a few simple steps that you can take to reduce risks too:

Make sure that you are familiar with the fire safety procedures for your home

If you live in an apartment take a look at our Fire Action Notice example 

Test your smoke alarm to make sure it works – if it doesn’t contact us on 01782 968566

Be careful with candles and keep them away from curtains, carpets, furniture etc.

If you smoke, always stub cigarettes out properly and never smoke in bed or in our communal areas

Make sure your  electrical appliances, plugs and cables are used properly and safely

Don’t overload plug sockets

Don’t use or store devices that run on a gas cylinder

Keep communal areas clear of obstructions, Get rid of your rubbish properly – and don’t block any exits

Never prop open fire doors. They are there for a reason and need to be kept closed at all times.

Allow us access to inspect your fire door each year – it could save your life!

If you are interested in fire safety and would like to be an involved customer working with the Society on fire safety matters let us know. For more information on fire safety visit



As your landlord it is a legal requirement for us to carry out certain regular safety checks on your home. Take a look at our  SAFETY LEAFLET that provides information on the “Big 5” property related risks that affect our residents (Electrics, Fire, Gas, Legionella and Asbestos).



From time to time, your home, garden or the areas you share with neighbours could get a visit from pests such as ants or mice.

Take a look at our PEST CONTROL LEAFLET for information on how to deal with pests.